Item Name: DWB CD
Item Number: dwbcd1
Price: $16.99
That's Right! Be on TV! Become Famous! Make $$$! As a pro-wrestler.
How To Break Into Pro-Wrestling: The Jabronies Guide To Becoming A Pro-Wrestler!
Have you always wanted to become a pro-wrestler? Now you can achieve your dream of becoming a TV Show wrestler!
Order your Confidential Report on "How To Break Into Pro-Wrestling" The Jabronies guide to becoming a pro-wrestler. Did you know that there are only 10 wrestling schools in America that can get you onto TV??? Don't make the mistake so many others have made by going to the wrong wrestling school and wasting thousands of dollars. Get into pro-wrestling guaranteed!
Only $19.95 Click Here To Order!
What you will learn:
The Top 10 Things You Will Need To Become A Pro-Wrestler.
How To Find The 10 Best Wrestling Schools In America.
How To Find The 10 Best Independent Promotions In America To Work For.
The 10 Most Popular Gimmicks Of All Time And How To Create Your Gimmick.
What Not To Do As A Wrestler.
Order Today and you will also receive the secret report on "How To Become Famous In Pro-Wrestling" A $19.95 Value for FREE when you order Today!
How To Become Famous In Pro-Wrestling
Legendary Promotions: How To Become Famous In Your Wrestling Company.
How To Get Booked On Any Card.
Pro-Wrestling Resources. How to get boots, trunks, promo videos and much, much more from the same people who the superstars of wrestling get theirs from!
Pro-Wrestling's Secret Workout Routine. Used by the world's greatest wrestlers for more than 100 years
10 Future Superstars will have a chance to live their dream of becoming a Pro-Wrestler by attending the "Turning Up The Heat!" TV Show Pro-Wrestling Camp in August of 2005. Registration Begins July 5th 2005 at the Orange Ave. Gym. Call Stormy Granzig at 407-898-4884 to register today or click the link below.. This camp is being filmed in a reality TV show format to air as 10 episodes of the "Turning Up The Heat!" TV Show. To Register Online Click the link below!
11 Idiot Proof Ways To Make HUGE Money In Pro-Wrestling
The Superstars guide to making Big, Big, Buck$ in Pro-Wrestling. Written by one of America's most successful independent pro-wrestlers and promoters. The first independent promoter to make over $1,000,000.00 in a single year!
Only $199.00
The Kevin Rhodes name has been a mainstay in the sports of Boxing and Martial Arts and the world of Pro-Wrestling for over 20 years carrying on the tradition of hand crafted world championship belts. Since beginning Legacy Title Belts and Awards, Rhodes company, Legacy Title Belts & Awards has expanded and grown in their product line, now offering a full arsenal of authentic, hand crafted title belts and awards. Today, there is not doubt that they will always be "The Belts of Champions". To order a world title quality belt click the link below.
Coming In September!
Want to lose over 100 pounds of fat??? Want to gain over 50 pounds of rock hard muscle??? Pro-Wrestling Superstar TOWER has done both and will share his secrets with you. He struggled with health problems and being 100 pounds overweight before becoming a professional athlete and TV Star. He was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired so he decided to do something about it. He had tried all of the fad diets and failed at them just like you have. But then he was able to learn the secrets that professional athletes use to drop fat and gain muscle. The knowledge that he gained in training over the last few years that allowed him to drop 100 pounds of body fat and then gain and amazing 54 pounds of solid muscle on his 7 foot 2 inch frame has gone into the Colossal Fitness System.
Included in this 3 DVD set is:
DVD 1: Colossal Nutrition: Section 1: Colossal Fat Loss, Eating to burn fat like crazy! Section 2: Eating for giant muscle gains. Just $49.95
DVD 2: Colossal Stretching and Cardio Conditioning. This DVD teaches you the secrets to achieving maximum flexibility in the minimum amount of time. It also covers the 10 secret tricks wrestlers use to maximize their cardio capacity. Just $49.95
DVD 3: Colossal Conditioning: Getting giant muscles in just 90 days. The 10 secret exercises pro-wrestlers use to explode their chest and back growth and get arms and legs like an animal. Just $49.95
This camp is designed for pro-wrestling improvement. If you are an independent in pro-wrestling, there's no substitute for strict technique, intense conditioning and the inherent power that comes from proper training. These attributes are important at every level from the novice to veteran. There is an old adage that says, "When you're through improving, your through." That is why NWA Heat Wave has committed an entire camp to help you continue your quest to become a pro-wrestler on TV and to be your very best. NWA member schools have trained more pro-wrestlers than anyone in the world. We are dedicated to providing the most affordable, complete, pro-wrestling program available. Many great champions, past and present, have passed between the ropes of our wrestling rings - we hope that you will carry on that tradition.